“The US getting involved in a shooting match in Eastern Europe will cause nothing but misery and hellish waste of human lives.”
Nobody is advocating the US being involved in a war. Russia has already started a war in Ukraine, however. We can make them pay a heavy price, economically.
Your defense of total isolationism is the same refrain we heard when Germany annexed Sudetenland and other areas by deception and force.
And where did the appeasing lead us to? A World War.
Your simple faith and trust in the enemy combatant in Mordor on the Potomac and his band of commie/moslem/racist/faggot loving revolutionaries would be touching if it weren’t so stupidly dangerous.
The worst enemy of the USA is the cabal that is pushing war. You think that 0bastard and his handlers, string pullers, policy makers, enablers and funders who tell him what to do and what to sign - should be the ones to get in a war? To make foreign policy decisions that are good for the US and the world?
I can’t believe it.
For some mysterious reason known only to yourself, you are completely ignoring as though it made no difference, or wasn’t a fact, that we are in the middle of a several year long takeover of the USA by an illegitimate cabal of communist/moslem or moslem loving/faggot loving/racist criminals.
Odd that it means nothing to you, but ooooh we have to lash out at the eeeeeeevil Ruskis to save the world.
How about saving our country from communist tyranny first?