Of course the whore set him up. She is being sued by Sterlings wife and the little bitsh said she was going to get even. Boy did she, all to help out Jordan buy a team on the cheap.
If you listen to the recording you can tell she was leading him and setting an 80 yr. old mind up for an ambush. The old codger just does not have the mental acuity he used to have and his ego would not let him do otherwise.
He will not go down peacefully and disappear into the sunset. It will be nasty.
Someone pointed this out to me earlier(Since I have not heard the whole interview) but the little gold digger mentions Larry Bird..and if Sterling would mind her bringing him to the games..she would have been what, 8 years old at the time Larry Bird was playing..tell me, how does an 8 year old kid know who Larry Bird was and what he did in the game of basketball..someone told her to say that, to egg Sterling on(He probably suffers from some sort of dementia he sure sounds like it) and it worked..she pressed all his buttons and got him to yap for hours, question is, who paid her to do this in the first place..*Cough* Magic Johnson *Cough*