FU Harry Red!
Not even illegals but Harry himself as well. If this guy is clean I’m Santa Claus. Oh man, if I lived there and had the money I would be hiring private investigators, lawyers, to go over inch of this sc*mbags business dealings and life, investigating his election returns wouldn’t be a bad idea as well. I can’t believe the people of Nevada would willingly and knowingly vote for this bug. There can’t be THAT many union members to overtake the public when it comes to elections. Something really stinks with this idiot and he needs to be exposed. The people don’t need to take to the streets to rebel, there are many other ways to bring down a bug like this d-bag. Wouldn’t it be something if they found some really nasty illegal dealing with him like taking bribes, get it all on video, and he gets BUSTED? He does this perp walk? That could happen, the people have to unite though and focus on this slimebag like a laser.