“...”grubby” role of Close Air Support,...” Wow. How is allah doin’, yefragetuwrabrumuy? Are his denizens still kissin’ grubby ground, on a grubby cloth, like grubby animals- are they? Are the idiots, still herding around a stupid rock, in grubby mecca? I would love to see a couple of Warthogs, grind the lie of allah’s mecca into dust, yefragetwrabrumuy.
I was saying that in the Air Force, Close Air Support has always been looked at with a both “it is our mission, not yours, Army” attitude, while at the same time looking at it with some disdain.
I definitely do not agree with that attitude, but the Air Force will really fight to keep it as a mission, though the Army is more than willing to take it over.