Pretty good assessment from what saw on videos.
The militia and protestors had the high ground there...and you can see one of the marksmen they posted on the interstate bridge in an overwatch position.
The BLM knew this, despite their armed men at the pen...they were outflanked, and penned down from the get go.
On this occassion, the armed US citizen showed that they are not to be trifled with or underestimated. They will have to bear in mind that the opposition recognizes this and will make efforts to counter in the next confrontation, probably establishing counter-fire positions, and perhaps air assault back up in advance.
Even then though...if they start such a conflagration, it will grow and become more than they can handle. And it will not end up being relegated to a single area. In addition, quickly they will have huge dissention in their own ranks at all levels, including any National Guard or Regular Armuy untis they attempt to enlist. Many of those BLM officers (just like we found in Klamath with the US Marshals, BLM LEOs and Park Service LEOs) did not want to be there and were uncomfortable...veery uncomfortable with the situation they were being placed in.
All of those federal officers need to be arrest and tried for treason. If any are military reserve they should be sent to a military prison for life.