Thanks for thread A.B. Glad the ranchers and militias won. Only exposing Dingy Harry and his son for coveting the land for Chinese solar power companies saved the day, not Obama’s or Holder’s mercy.
I love the rancher thing and right here in the swamps of Delaware we got a situation about to be the same thing.
No we don’t have big cattle ranches in Delaware but in Sussex county we have big farms....chickens, we grow chickens. From seed.
As y’all might know daughter and family moved down here last August from the wilds of Baltimore.
Granddaughter spends two hours a day on school buses. One day daughter and granddaughter riding behind a chicken truck. We got them all over the place here, trucks with feathers flying.
Daughter and granddaughter argue about what’s in truck. Granddaughter says “Mom, I KNOW my chicken trucks.”
So the other day again daughter and granddaughter driving along. Delaware’s air often smells of.....ah....well sometimes not so good but in due course you get used to it.
Daughter holds nose and complains about the smell of poop everywhere. Well actually it’s manure and again, you get used to it.
Kaitlyn takes a big whiff and says, I’m not making this up “It smells like home.”
Anyway, some state organization, known as DNREC....stands for Delaware Natural Resources, something, something. Little cousin to the mighty EPA.
DNREC wants to take control over, get this, all what they call Type 1 wet lands....EVEN IF IT’S ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!
Yes I am on this guys....