The author would do well to remember that Mozilla was unwilling to stand up to the bullying OKCupid idiots, and therefore Mozilla furthered the intentional harm caused by the idiots.
A better place? How is cravenly accepting the wrong judgment an act that makes the world better?
Gay marriage is an evil disaster. Wake-up Americans and get over political correctness sickness. Evil is on the Throne and Good is on the Gallows. Time for a correction.
Neither Mozilla nor OKCupid have made Facebook postings since Eich was forced to resign. Both have been strangely silent.
I wonder if attorneys are doing the talking.
So..."shame" and "pride" are the basic issue here.I guess that would explain the pride that Chris Rudder has in the photos of his rectal syphilis that he's posted on Facebook and Twitter.IIRC he's even boasted that his syphilis is resistant to every antibiotic available to medicine.
Their branding has changed, but their ideology remains the same.