But how do you address that teaching of Paul, that God demonstrates his love to us by dying for us while we were still impenitant? Would not logic dictate that the provision for forgiveness precede the plea for forgiveness? And if the provision came from love bestowed before repentance, was the one loved also hated at the same time?
Christ himself said it was the sinner that needed him not the righteous. It is the repentant sinner that Christ and God love. The parable of the prodigal son reveals one of Christ's meanings.
I may not have been too clear in my response. I would say as follows: God also created Hell before man came into the world so then apply your own logic; i.e. any provision for wrath preceded the creation of man and any forgiveness asked for or refused.. The term wrath is often used to describe the Lord’s conduct. Was it love that sent the flood and destroyed every man, woman, child and beast except Noah? Was it love that annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah? I merely say God hates the sinner in his sin. God loves the PENITENT sinner. It is not love that places a person in Hell, and yes we will all stand before God and he will say “Depart” to those who did not follow his rules. They will be “PLACED” in hell. God is not always “Warm & Fuzzy!”