We need to be careful not to respond with “knee jerk” reactions just because we are conservatives. I am a Conservative to my very core, but also understand that the output of today’s “Factory Farming” is a horrific mix of filth, disease, and antibiotics to cost effectively counter the filth and disease. Animals are squeezed into tiny cages, they linger in their own feces, and are pumped full of antibiotics to fight the disease inherent in these conditions. You say no to “Organic” and “Free Range”...personally, I will gladly pay extra for that diseased filth we call Supermarket Meat NOT to go into my Grandchildren Stomachs, and NOT destroy their response to Antibiotics which may be needed to save their life someday. Do I agree with State or Federal MANDATES? NO! Do I hope consumers make better CHOICES? YES! Does that make me a bad Conservative?
It doesn’t make you a bad conservative, just a foolish one.
However, the good news is there are entire food sections, and even food chain stores, that have sprung up just to fleece, uh, serve you.