It was never going to work because the demographic so coveted and needed, “the young invincibles,” don’t have the money to make it work. The money is simply not in that demographic.
“The money is simply not in that demographic.”
And until recently, it was in their parents’ pockets. But not any more. Lots of little things to gig the middle-age middle class in 0bamacare. For example, they put in a provision that you can’t claim your kid as a dependent as a college student if they make over $3200. Most kids with a decent summer job and/or who work part time in school do that. What goes with that? Parents can’t then take the educational credit for the cost of college education. That blew away a nice big tax credit we were counting on last year.
“If you earn less than $250,000, your taxes will not go up.”
It’s one lie after another from 0bama. The only thing he ever said that was true was “Under my plan, electric utility rates will necessarily skyrocket.”
The money isn’t in this demographic either.
What this amounts to is a $600 per month “tax”, premium to be paid by me - perhaps the Supremes had it right by calling it a tax after all. This is not coverage for run of the mill things - $6000 deductible? Right.
Ran two scenarios. afib - $94 per month 2. w/ afib - $608 per month. All has been very nicely controlled with medication, thank you. I am not a frequent flyer to the doctor’s.
So - where is the affordability in ACA aka obarkycare?
Damn those politicians for putting this monkey on our backs.
I have not and will not comply. Kiss my entire butt.