What is it about the Democrat Party that makes you want to be part of it?
Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Cleveland, to name five examples.
Is it gun control? Socialism? Abortion? Sodomy?
So, logically, all Republicans are for crony capitalism, both through "bailouts" and "stimulus", new entitlement programs, increased spending and debt, and amnesty? Because that's what we've gotten from the Bush administration and Boehner House.
You wouldnt get my vote
Did you vote for McCain or Romney? If so, you'll vote for "moderates" who are just socialist-light and who vote for unconstitutional acts and powers, but you'll not support someone who is a staunch defender of the Constitution simply because of a letter after their name?
James R. McClure Jr.
Jeffersonian Anti-Federalist Democrat candidate for IN09
You're kidding, right? Tell me that's some sort of sick joke ... you can't POSSIBLY think they have anything to do with today's sodomite, abortionist, socialist, gun-thieving democrat party.
So, logically, all Republicans
"They're doing it, too!!!" is a rather childish defense. Look at YOUR democrat national party platform. It's on the internet, so you can't BS me about what's in it. That's what you're signing up to support when you call yourself a democrat. You're aligning yourself with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack 0bama. You're willfully becoming part of the Death Party ... and you have the temerity to call yourself a Christian.
but you'll not support someone who is a staunch defender of the Constitution simply because of a letter after their name?
No, I'll not support someone who gives any sort of credibility to the socialist, nanny-state tyrant, homosexual, abortionist, gun-thieving democrat party. It's not just a letter after the name. Assuming you get elected ... who do you support for Speaker of the House?