So ... you're OK with that? Pork barrel politics is just fine with you? Really?
Pork barrel politics works only to enrich and expand the power of a ruling class we shouldn't even have.
Here's our system. 99.9% of your precious pork-barrel politics directly violates our system.
I invite the naysayers to leave our country
GFY. This is MY country and my intent is to FIX it ... not wallow in corruption. You?
Not much to fix! If ANYONE thinks s/he can live ANY better ANYwhere else on the planet...they s/he should "get outta Dodge," go there and leave us alone. We aren't perfect, thanks to original sin, but mostly we do try.
I've traveled the world, mostly with my beloved husband (now gone).
THIS is the VERY BEST place on the planet earth to live.
When we returned home for good I KISSED the ground of our beloved country.
I was at LAX and was DELIGHTED to kiss Angelino ground!!