Hell is a place on earth that we make for ourselves.
Here are demons. A test.
What will we do to the demon-worshipers that condone or encourage this?
Any excuses by elected leaders must be met with violent outrage.
“What will we do to the demon-worshipers that condone or encourage this?”
If recent history is our guide, we will elect them to the Presidency.
“Hell is a place on earth that we make for ourselves”
According to the Lord’s Word, Hell is for those who are/will be eternally separated from Christ, and is an actual place.
Christians are not commanded to meet evil with evil, or evil with violence. We do have the right to protect ourselves and our loved ones, but we are not given the freedom to seek out those who would condone such things in order to exact vengeance/violence.
Although, we can exercise our constitutional rights by protesting, boycotting, voting, and requiring our leaders to answer for these atrocities.
I beg God’s forgiveness for what I think about abortion lovers. I truly believe that if there was a revolution I could exact revenge upon all of them, including blood kin. Again, I hate feeling this way. But they are evil.
Make it a point to avoid patronizing companies that promote the leftist agenda, to the best of our ability?