There is a balance that must be made. America already has laws that required cars to clean up emissions. I haven't seen the brown haze that used to plague Nashville in several years. That's a good thing.
Do you support restrictions on vaping as well as smoking?
Let's consider for a moment the nanny staters' notion of "balance":
Picture yourself sitting in an American tavern sometime in the early 1780's, enjoying a splendid dinner in the illustrious company of George Washington and Samuel Adams.
After enjoying your meal, Mr. Adams lights up his tobacco pipe, followed soon thereafter by our future President.
Fortunately, the printing press has already been invented, and thus you have at the ready several illustrated broadsides which graphically and convincingly depict the dreadful health risks associated with the smoking of tobacco.
The gentlemen are duly impressed by your forceful presentation, and yet, oddly, they continue to enjoy smoking the tobacco that smolders in their pipes.
Then, after further explaining that the smoke from their pipes offends your olfactory senses, you profess your passionate belief that the tavern keeper at whose business you're dining shouldn't even have the Right to determine the smoking policy in his own eating establishment!
You could thus lecture Mr. Adams and Mr. Washington on the hazards of tar and nicotine, and they in turn could "enlighten" you on the hazards of tar and feathers!
And that's about all I have to say about nanny state authoritarians and their ilk.
Have a nice, smoke-free day!