To: saganite
Meanwhile, in the last few elections, how many thousands of active duty servicemen were effectively denied the right to vote?
5 posted on
03/23/2014 8:35:19 AM PDT by
To: JohnnyP
They’re not Holder’s people.
7 posted on
03/23/2014 8:35:56 AM PDT by
(What happens to taglines? Is there a termination date?)
To: JohnnyP
Doesn’t that just make your blood boil? The very folks who sacrifice so much are denied the right to decide who the commander in chief is. Unbelievable.
28 posted on
03/23/2014 8:56:29 AM PDT by
To: JohnnyP
how many thousands of active duty servicemen were effectively denied the right to vote? Can't fight tradition.
84 posted on
03/23/2014 2:21:22 PM PDT by
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