I wish there were a lot of Hank Hills out there selling propane and propane accessories that would allow me to use propane in my vehicles. I’ve known about it for decades, there used to be a propane company in town that had their delivery trucks hooked up to run off of the fuel they were delivering, this was back in the ‘60s and those trucks would typically go 300 or 400 thousand miles before needing any work. This was back when cars were worn jam out, as folks would say, at 100 thousand or less!
There was a time when almost all indoor forklifts were propane or electric powered as well. Advances in electrics has seen the old worn out propane towmotors fade away, mainly because of the cost of propane.
Oil never contaminated by blow-by so it always looked clean and plugs never showed wear ever. It is a great motor fuel. Mileage was about 80% what one expects on petro, but at the time was cheaper than gas by a bunch.
I'd do it again someday with an older small 4 cyl carb intake pick up and hide tow-motor jugs in the bed toolbox that are filled from the bulk tank in the back yard, as many already do here. Dri-Gas!