Why don’t the good people of Tennessee just tell the judge and the fags “Fine you made your decision; NOW ENFORCE IT”.
All politics is local, even personal. No government on earth has the right to abrogate the Law of G-d. The people have the right, therefore, and the absolute moral obligation to resist such action with all their might. The people have the right to directly confront the appointed officials who seek to impose these violations of Torah on them without their consent and depose them. The people absolutely have the right to defiance. They must tell these tinhorn dictators that they will never have their consent and they will never never get capitulation. Massive civil disobedience in this case is the righteous response to judicial and ethical corruption. Case in point: When did America vote to take prayer out of school? The solution: Local citizens should impose prayer on the local schools by due process, in defiance of Washington DC. It has never been a question of eliminating oppression. The question is who will be oppressed, and by whom. If you think it’s a good idea for a few sexual deviants and their friends to oppress you and corrupt your children then do nothing. If, on the other hand you believe that “righteousness exalts a nation” then take your G-d given right as free men to fight and destroy those ideas that seek to destroy you and everything you live for. The time to act is now.