Over 200 eyewitnesses saw a missile streak up to hit flight 800. Two of them happened to be in a Navy plane (National Guardsmen), and one of those happened to be a missile identification expert.
“Two of them happened to be in a Navy plane (National Guardsmen), and one of those happened to be a missile identification expert. “
before his competency can be established we must know his party affiliation.
So who shot the missile and how did they keep it quiet?
Along with about a dozen people CNN interviewed within hours after the crash who also saw a streak of light that left a jagged trail, from the ocean's surface to the plane itself.
I watched each and every one of those interviews that day.
(gee, I wonder what that jagged trail was ... lemme think, lemme think ..... SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE, THAT'S WHAT!)
And how many of those witnesses saw the plane itself? I ask because all those who claim to have seen a 10 foot long “missile” never claim to have seen the 250 foot 747 that it presumably hit.
Just as a point of correction....the Navy doesn't have national guardsmen. It only has reservists. The Army and Air Force have reservists and national guard. The Marines and Navy only have reservists.
There actually is a difference....and a very important one: The reservists (title 10) have the president in their chain of command, the guardsmen (title 32) have their governor at the end of their chain of command....unless they are mobilized and turned into title 10 assets.