No, I don't care for McCain's or Romney's politics or behavior, but one's candidacy should not be merely based on rejecting past candidates. I feel it should be that of creating one's own legacy, and running on it, as Reagan did.
Cruz may be an acceptable candidate, but we have yet to see what compromises he will have to make to run on the national ticket. It's a little too early to tell.
We already have someone for 9+ years who ran on the premise of "change," without making the public look very closely at both his almost nonexistent record and his pronounced communistic philosophy.
Cruz has repeatedly stood up for conservative causes and been ridiculed by the GOP establishment for it. I stand with Cruz. I have said far worse about Dole and McCain.
Just the other day, the GOP called me for a donation and I told them NO WAY. I stand with Cruz and Gowdy, and the GOP attacks them. I can donate directly to candidates who stand for what I do. They wasted the last dime of mine they will ever see.