Sorry no clicks for yahoo.
I’ll happily crawl through broken glass to vote for Bruce Rauner. The IL GOP aka Democrat-lite candidates are pulling out all stops, full flop-sweat panic - even teaming up against Rauner in joint ads, so you know know they are shiiting themselves. Rauner is spending his own money, promising term limits and business-like operation of the state the RATs have run into the ground.
And no worries, I clicked on Yahoo six times
You would think the political analyst would actually know what the hell he is talking about..
Scott Walker only got achieved what he did with solid support of the Wisconsin state legislation with his solid and fearless leadership..
Illinois is no where near having a GOP controlled legislature and even if they did, they would all have been paid off..
The comments at the site are priceless...........67% increase in income wonder Moody’s just put Chicago’s rating so extremely low