He wasn’t actually defending Abu-Jamal. The original conviction occurred in 1982. In 2009, Adegbile filed an amicus curiae brief with the United States Supreme Court in 2009, arguing that the conviction was invalid because of racial discrimination in jury selection.
I’ve read up on the case and the appeals.
It seems as if both Debo Adegbile and Mumia Abu-Jamal are both extremely well connected Leftists, and I would gather that a lot of lobbying had been going around for Mumia — based on his ‘in prison’ achievements — which seem to be more leftist drivel.
I wouldn’t have voted for Debo Adegbile either, but just because of his leftist leanings and one sided civil rights views. But the fact that he did Lawyerly work (as a lawyer I may add) would have never been a condideration.
The Thousand Angry Irishmen argument — Some day you or somebody you’re close to may be charged with some crime and have ‘A thousand Angry Irishmen’ calling for your head.