The ukraine has no nukes whatsoever. Russia resumed them by the treaty signed between clinton & russia. Russia is going to use that very treaty to fullfil its obligation to guarantee the ukraines territorial integrity. Funny how these democrat prepared treaties work out...
From the same crew that gave us The Dayton Accords....Gee how did that work out for Yugoslavia?
This was verified? Where?Russia did not resume them.They hid them in the Crimea.
They knew the Bear was only hibernating.Russia has gone in to secure its nuclear weapons in Sevastopol, which by the way if they had fallen to the “Maiden” would have shown that Russia ignored the non-proliferation treaty.
From the Soviet Studies Research Centre
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
March 1993
“if the West failed to intervene in the former Yugoslavia, it will certainly not involve itself (other than by exhortation)in battles between Russia and the Ukraine.
To many this growing sense of isolation reinforces the need for a nuclear “big stick” with which to threaten Russia.”