In my early 20’s I had a negative net worth, had no assets except a car I owed more on than it was worth, I had multiple warrants out for my arrest for failure to pay speeding and no insurance tickets, dabbled with illegal drugs, and had dropped out of jr college with no degree and was a waiter at a Mexican restraint chain barely able to pay my rent.
20 years later I am a multi-millionaire with a masters degree who owns his own business.
I just woke up one day and said.... ENOUGH! I am going to fix my life and set out the next day to do so.
It was actually quite easy. I KNEW everything I was doing wrong, I had just chosen to do the wrong things. I guess in that regard I may have had an edge over those who may have never been thought right from wrong. But besides that, I was given nothing. I am 100% self made.
meant taught not thought
Obama begs to Differ "you din't build that "
A million is not what a million was.
How did you pay up those speeding tickets and avoid arrest? I’m sure we’d all love to know.
Just damn. You mean that if you work hard, have self-discipline, are reasonably thrifty, and make intelligent life choices, you can be successful and have a reasonably secure life? This is a revelation!!! I mean, the Grasshopper and the Ant in real life!!!
I’d like to subscribe to your news letter.
Congratulations!! You deserve every penny!! I hope you can pass that on (the drive and long-term thinking) to the youth of today in some way.
Too many damn TV shows always want to make the rich look like a bunch of crooks but in real life the liars, cheats, and thieves are more often than not the poor. Folks with no self restraint tend to grab what they can, they fail, and then they blame all their misery on Obama's "millionaires'n'billionaires".