Somebody in the medical legal complex stands to make a lot of money or a lot of political hay by this girl’s imprisonment and likely impending death which also translates to lots of money.
I believe Mass has a little-known rule called emancipation....which typically means at around 15 or file paperwork with the local judge and demand your adult freedom....from all guardians (parents and otherwise). If I were the family, I’d just hustle in the forms to her, have them signed, and force the Boston judge to give her adult status, then walk out the door and catch a cab back to Conn.
I'm thinking they behaved impulsively, hysterically, and now they're hiding as hard as they can. I smell a panicked conspiracy. It'll have to break soon. They don't want to lose their "phony baloney" jobs or their power.
Can the governor of Mass step in? That's what should be happening--Go to the Guv, Pellier--