These are some sick, statist bastards, both the hospital that did this and the state agencies and judges who are upholding it.
I am afraid I would have resorted to other forcible means some time ago to get my daughter out of that state and somewhere she can be cared for.
Unbelievable that such things can occur in America. This is just disgusting, sickening...and certainly heart breaking.
Agree wholeheartedly.
As a witness trying to tell the whole truth I was found in contempt by an arrogant senile judge who thought he was the almighty and had missed his morning nap and Irish Coffee.
Children's Services in many states often due to gross incompetence harm more children than they ever help and Truth of what actually happen be damned and for that matter also the welfare of the child. Many caseworkers {not all} are Village Idiot Liberal Idealist with Zero parenting experience. The good ones don't hang around long usually.