>>>People of Ukraine rebelled against institutionalized corruption becoming norm just like in neighboring Russia.<<<
You might be kidding here. Russian corruption is nowhere near Ukrainian level. Just visit one country and another. In Russia they have a vibrant middle class, while in the Ukraine there are a few rich officials and their cronies and the rest of the country are ox and cart. If you are lazy to visit, at least compare average incomes or GDP per capita figures.
What income has to do with corruption, except the source? Try to think before you type. The Ukrainian “elite” ARE mostly Russian mobsters, building their wealth on the backs of honest Ukrainians.
It's a battle of bottom feeders.
Transparency International,
in 2010 has Ukraine at 134th place; Russia at 154th
in 2013, Ukraine is 144th, Russia at 127
it doesn't mean anything, but when did your boy Yanek get elected?