“My Brother’s Keeper?” Really now? Doesn’t this guy”s real-life half brother live in a hut in Nairobi on less tha $100 per year?
AN OVERSIGHT! the kenyan is only his HALF BROTHER.
the My Half Brothers Keeper Agenda will be released in early April...very near the FIrst of the month....
Good one Milton. My guess is this initiative was thought up by some guilty white liberal elites in Obama's Administration.... It has all the earmarks...
Good one Milton. My guess is this initiative was thought up by white liberal elites in Obama's Administration.... It has all the earmarks...
Elites in banana republics partner with the criminal class to keep down the middle class.
That's what this feels like. If Obama wanted to help the black community he would be seeking assistance for blacks who are LAWFUL and are attempting to work within the system in an honorable way. That would work as a powerful incentive for good within the black community.
This 'brother's keeper' program props up the criminal class... which helps keep white liberal elites in power... Bill Keller of the New York Times is a white liberal elite - and he'll LOVE this program.