Why we would allow the regime to get out of the way of a huge juggernaut headed their way of scandal after unending scandal lead by Benghazi smuggling arms to Syria, the IRS, the CIA/petraeus, dead seals, corruption with Morsi in Egypt with trials currently going on, you name it scandal after scandal. And we concentrate on immigration because of why?!!
Idiots! When it comes to political strategy, our side does not have any. It's like trying to lead bed-wetting 50 year olds to the potty before the ruin yet another sheet.
And even if we are able to stave off an immigration bill prior to the midterms, the GOP has made it an issue that will hurt them. The Dems can use the principles to attack each and every Rep running. Every Rep candidate will be asked in the local debate with the Dem whether they support the “Principles” or not.