I lived in TX for almost 10 years, (Houston area) and we had no shortage of rain when I was there. It’s hard to imagine it any different, although I don’t doubt your word.
The problem with rain in TX is the flash floods that seem to follow! I remember allowing (forcing) a young man (16) to hole up in my house for the afternoon when the streets flooded almost to the front doors on the houses. He was driving my son home from school and thought he could make it to his house (a mile away and on lower ground) because he was sure that his Volkswagon would float!
“Sit down. There’s a desk, a lamp, and a phone. Here’s a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Call your mother and wait it out.”
He was gone in an hour as the water receded. LOL.
Houston is a whole world away from the Permian Basin, about 650 miles from where I live. The biggest tree’s we have here are fence posts brought in from the Hill Country.