All of these sub groups are holding one thing in common. They are all without any redeeming qualities what-so-ever.
LOL! How about Liberalis tolerantus- this type mimics a truly tolerant and caring human being, but when confronted with a species or even idea it disagrees with, becomes one of the most most vicious creatures known to man. Extreme caution must be used, as once provoked, no amount of reason will calm it from its violent display! Tranquilizer guns are needed, but don’t let it see said gun, since this will provoke an even more violent outburst.
This brings me to subspecies homo liberals gun-grabberus: identified by its irrational and extreme hatred of guns or the idea that any species should be allowed to defend itself. Identified aby an even stranger belief system in which the guns it fears and hates should only be used by members of ‘authority’ in its own party to exert power and violence over another.