“the hospital and the Munoz family agreed on crucial facts listed in a court document: that Marlise Munoz, 33, has met the clinical criteria for brain death since November 28 and that the fetus gestating inside Mrs. Munoz is not viable.
This is what the judge used today to order the removal of ventilators and respirators from this woman”
Not much is known about fetal survival when mothers suffer brain death during pregnancy. German doctors who searched for such cases found 30 of them in nearly 30 years, according to an article published in the journal BMC Medicine in 2010.
Those mothers were further along in pregnancy - 22 weeks on average - when brain death occurred than in the Texas case. Birth results were available for 19 cases. In 12, a viable child was born. Follow-up results were available for six, all of whom developed normally.
You are well on point. I’ll note this brain death happened @ 14 weeks and since then the fetus has been living in a toxic stew due to dead mothers inability to regulate the many chemicals/hormones in her body. Among other things, the poor dead mother is likely diabetic due to the failure of her pituitary gland.
Yes there are documented cases of babies gestating in a dead mother, but I doubt there are any that started at 14 weeks.
the key point in your apples and oranges comment is that THIS case involved a woman who was around 10 weeks pregnant.... a critical time of baby development.
Doesn’t matter what you or I think. this case is over