So, not content with exacerbating the mortgage mess by suing banks to force them to make risky loans to unqualified buyers (mainly blacks and Hispanics), former HUD secretary Cuomo is now trying to decrease the number of blacks in the future.
It’s a huge exaltation of pride... of women who are of, by, and for their own selves. It used to be viewed as an honor to be a mother... now it’s being viewed as a plague... and not to single out the moms, there are the toms (tom cats).
It’s being frowned on from heaven. It’s going to bring its own judgment on itself. The Democrats have gone so mad they are going to torpedo their own fortunes. Just watch. They are not cleverer than God.
But those who DO trust in the Lord and call upon Him will be saved. This is not the same thing as “conservatives according to the flesh” powered by their own egos, who are like trojan horses to the cause.
Cuomo is not a racist. He’s a Progressive that believes in eugenics. It’s a cornerstone of the movement. Racism I can stand. It’s eugenics that threaten all of us, adults, children and the unborn. Learn the terms and the origins.