With or without Loretta Fuddy, the Won's birth certificate is at the very end of the things he needs to worry about.
Actually, it's a source of comic relief and misdirection that can come in handy when the Community is refusing to Organize for some reason. We can thank the birfers for that.
“The One” has had recent scandals, impeachable offenses, in the past year. In this past year, those actions/inactions were not derailed by his BC (birfer) issue. The MSM refuses to investigate or hold “the One” accountable. Lies are caught, exposed and he still slides through. My point being, that those are impeachable offenses or certainly ones more troublesome than Watergate and the BC issue had nothing to do with the lack of holding Barry accountable. He’s admitted he does not know what is going on with his own Administration unless he watches “the news”. Exposed on Benghazi, the IRS, and those are called “phony scandals” and the MSM is complicit. “Birthers” don’t deserve the blame for that.