“Um... you just included many of the Founding Fathers in that.”
Really? The Founding Fathers countenanced torture? Please explain the 8th Amendment then, pastor.
Thanks in advance.
“fascist bible thumpers”
“The Founding Fathers countenanced torture? Please explain the 8th Amendment then, pastor.”
No, not torture! Certainly not.
I was referring to the fact that you just called “bible thumpers” fascist. This country was founded by Bible-believing Christians. Countless tens of thousands of these “Bible thumpers” have given their lives for this country on many battlefields.
Christians deserve the right to have a voice in our nation just as any other group. Calling us “fascist” because we believe in God’s word is... unbelievable.
Before the 1890’s, torture was specifically allowed:
If a society deems it acceptable, it's neither cruel nor unusual. That's how it was interpreted in the US until then.
So, yes, the US allowed it for a very long time. By the way, have to ever heard of “waterboarding?”
I thought you had, Lurker.