Posted on 01/06/2014 9:37:38 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
Ta-Nehisi Coates
This creep really needs to put down that crack-pipe.
Is this the classy commentator who wears feminine hygiene products on her face? That’s what passes for “intellectual”...MSM is in full coverup
Now I WILL CANCEL my Atlantic subscription, as I’ve oft thought to do until dissuaded by an unexpectedly good issue.
I’ll bet the writer has a bloated ego.
Damn, I totally missed the watermelon jokes again!
Dear Mr Coates,
Give it up. She’s never going to blow you. Move on.
I thought this would be satire... I was wrong.
Of course she’s an intellectual. Aren’t all liberals?
And those who are conservatives are simple knuckle draggers.
Melissa Harris-Perry is NOT the foremost public intellectual of America; likewise Susan Sontag was NOT the greatest intellectual of her time (or the 20th century or whatever the Stupid NY Times said years ago).
Sorry, ladies.
On Sunday, Mitt Romney accepted Harris-Perry’s “heartfelt” apology, noting, “I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself.” ____________________________________________
did he ever apologize ???
Maybe it's not his ego that is bloated for her.
I don't know, the word I associate with liberals is ineffectual. I thought the headline was a typo.
On Sunday, Mitt Romney accepted Harris-Perry’s “heartfelt” apology, noting, “I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself.”
I guess Willard thinks these are just “mistakes”
Like his lifelong pushing of abortion..
or his being responsible for same-sex marriage in MASS the first in the nation..
or his RomneyCare
or maybe the two times he dodged the draft...
or his push for AMNESTY
or his push for global warming..
or his gun grabbing..
It’s dumbfounding how such a mutual masturbatory fantasy could actually be typed up and submitted to an editor with a straight face.
The Losers at The Atlantic have closed comments, doing what the left loves to do: Shut down dissenting discussion, Effem.
He IS an editor, which explains much, no?
Didn’t catch that. Mystery solved.
Your post says it all. What makes this funier is that the writer is serious.
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