I submit it is far, far later than you think.
Know what time it is.
The ballot box is no longer a viable option to preserve or maintain our natural rights. We are already become a MarxoFascist dictatorship.
We limited government conservatives and Christian conservatives had better understand now: in November of 2016, a Christie/Romney type nominee will be the official GOP presidential "choice" of wholly rigged and arranged primaries, and we're going to be looking once again at the "hold your nose and vote statist liberal Republican because the other guy is worse and third party only guarantees Democrat victory" syndrome.
Likely, Democrats will be voting for their candidate/nominee thinking the same, that he/she stinks but the Republican would be worse.
If we really want to take advantage of the ballot box, we must EMBRACE the power of a third party to force leftist statist politicians of either party into a weak plurality win.
Jettison the very stupid "conventional wisdom" that Perot "ruined" things and start realizing that indeed, Perot, by splitting the vote among an American populace who rightly rejected the Uniparty D/R candidates (HW Bush v Clinton; Dole v Clinton) by majorities in BOTH elections (Clinton never received the support of even half of the voters -- the first time, 57% voted "against" him, the second time, 51% voted "against" him) -- by splitting the vote to force a plurality win on the victor, the victor (Clinton) was so weakened politically (not with the MSM, which loved him, but in real world politics) that his first term, he was snowplowed with the Republican Revolution, and his second term, he was impeached.
Had it not been for third party politics, that probably wouldn't have happened; instead, Clinton or HWB or Dole, all three of them big government statists in mind and deed, would have been powerful "victors." The third party impact of Perot was GOOD FOR CONSERVATISM in the big picture by denying power to those statists.
So it is time NOW to embrace the fact that in 2016, our only hope for weakening the leftist president, D or R, who will likely win, is by voting Third Party in order to force that victor into a plurality so that he/she is WEAK and on defense.
Good commentary.
No. The time for peaceful redress is past.
You don’t really think the 2014 elections will be allowed to shift the balance of power do you?
1. Soap box
2. Ballot box
3. Ammo box
Jury box, check.
Ballot box, check.
I'm running out of boxes...