According to your methods we can figure that homosexuality is the norm, since we all know many, and many have family members who are gay.
We can collect freepers talking about gays they know all day long, and we don’t even have to be talking about someone from a 100 years, like my grandmother.
Ansel, I don’t know what drives you so on this subject, nor do I care. But what I do care about is people that make rewriting history a hobby. Now, as in our last go-round, liberal BS must be countered. So allow me to continue doing just that.
It is said that art imitates life. Last night via freepmail, it was pointed out to me that the lie of your assertion can be found in yet another way. Look at many classic movies of the war era and prior. in them, you will find instance of young marriage addressed/explored directly and in background. And while the actors portraying the man and women were often older, the CONTEXT of what they portrayed was of a VERY young couple, the avoidance of spinsterhood, trials and tribulations ect.
So riddle me this Batman, If young marraige was the uncommon occurrence you persist in claiming, why is it that it pops up so often in movies, books/literature et all with such frequency and THROUGHOUT HISTORY? Why did so many people use a plot device that was so supposedly rare so very often?
Romeo and Juliet anyone?
Also, lest we brush it under the rug, the number of freepers on this thread backing my side of the argument is more than double (and growing), compared to last night’s small sample, while the same 4 people deny the proof of the world around them.
So man up. tell all these people that they are lying when they relate their personal experiences to their virtual faces. Because the alternative is that this microcosom of America is in fact reality.
Ball’s in your court sport.