I’m glad to hear that A&M is more conservative. I didn’t know that.
But UT is the big state university, so the liberals have overrun it like in most states. It is good to see that this could come out of there.
But it makes you wonder if they did hide a lot, and this was the BEST that could be said. Maybe it’s far worse than this article says.
Makes you wonder.
Very good point about magnitude. Regarding Aggies, here’s a quote from Wiki:
Although Texas A&M is a secular institution, its student body has a reputation for being religious and conservative. According to a 2005 student survey published in the Princeton Review, Texas A&M ranked 13th highest in the category “students pray on a regular basis”. Breakaway, a weekly, student-organized, on-campus prayer gathering, has attracted over 10,000 students in 2012, and is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. In 2009, the Princeton Review ranked Texas A&M the eighth most socially conservative campus in the nation. The Princeton Review also ranked the university in 2012 as the “10th least friendly” college in the United States for LGBT people, and the least friendly among public schools for LGBT people.