First, why is it objectionable that Sarah Palin used slavery as an example of something bad? Second, blacks do not own the term slavery there were slaves in all ancient cultures. Third, she did not deny slavery. Fourth, Jews usually would be offended by misuse of “holocaust”.
Fifth, I’m so sick of this crap.
Not only was there slavery in all ancient cultures, there is still slavery today in most non-western cultures.
Every sufficiently advanced society on earth and in history had slaves up to the 19th and 20th centuries. When it was (more or less) wiped out by white men, mostly working off Christian principles.
The evidence is that in most if not all of these societies nobody even though to ask whether slavery might be wrong. It was taken for granted as a fact of life. See, unfortunately, the New Testament, where that is exactly the way slavery is approached.
these socialist slime have their Buzzwords and Buzzterms which they hold to be sacrosanct.
reality has nothing to do with their proclamations!