I dont think they will stop at puberty. They already argue that children have a right to sex.
First-level-thinking utopian morons.
They can't even stretch far enough to see that every society that legalizes polygamy winds up like the muslims or the throwback Mormons, with evil old men trading nieces as wives like the old perverts they are. The poor girls are raised in this "your job is to please your husband as wife #7" environment, and it's a hard cultural brainwash and mindf**k to overcome, that leads to many social pathologies.
One man and one woman = one marriage was the time-tested pillar of modern Western civilization. It tied their mutual loyalties together, where poly "marriages" become snake pits of back stabbers and baby poisoners. Just look at the muslim world today.
The out of wedlock birthrate has gone from an historical level of below 5% (solid social cement) to nearly 50% in 50 years. Looking forward, "the bridge is out!" Watch out below!
Idiots. That's why I wrote Alas, Brave New Babylon. For the record. As we shall shortly see.
Link to the full-text Free Republic thread.