He seemed pretty unconvincing on Hannity just now. He parroted the old “we gotta win elections to get anything done” line.
What they forget is we put them in for a 2 year term to fight for our beliefs. It isn’t about waiting and serving the people in a cowardly manner until the time is right or until you’ve stolen enough from the trough.
The old we gotta win elections to get anything done line is old because it’s true. Ryan traded Reid nothing on this. This budget deal should be sequester neutral - no increase in spending. I don’t like the deal Ryan put together because of the numbers, but not because of this.
Let the headlines read: House GOP Refuses to Pass Senate Tax Increases.
Do you really think that will work well for Democrats during a recession/election year?
OK, he won election to his seat. We're waiting for him to do something...
So does this budget go 2 years or 10 years out or whatever, if we’re planning to win the election this year? Why give away future years that are past the point where we’re supposed to have the power to do what we want?