1 posted on
11/23/2013 7:10:49 PM PST by
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To: MaxMax
This worked out so well with North Korea! I am thankful that libtards always learn their lesson.
56 posted on
11/23/2013 7:33:04 PM PST by
To: MaxMax
Thankfully I have several TV programs and movies on my DVR to watch.
60 posted on
11/23/2013 7:34:10 PM PST by
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
To: MaxMax
62 posted on
11/23/2013 7:34:30 PM PST by
null and void
(I'm betting on an Obama Trifecta: A Nobel Peace Prize, an Impeachment, AND a War Crimes Trial...)
To: MaxMax
The thing is that, once you are shown to be a perpetual liar, no one can take you seriously anymore. What if a nuke goes off three years from now in LA?
66 posted on
11/23/2013 7:36:31 PM PST by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: MaxMax
To: MaxMax
To: MaxMax
These fascists are really, really working overtime to get the focus off their failed death panel law.
First, the capitulation of the Senate to give the Clown free reign over the judiciary.
Now, the granting of nukes to the mullahs of Iran.
Their hatred for America is so obvious.
To: MaxMax
Elections do have consequences. A lot of them fatal. The Jews in this country just screwed over the Jews in Israel. I’m ashamed of my country.
79 posted on
11/23/2013 7:39:24 PM PST by
(Dude! Where's my health insurance policy?)
To: MaxMax
Deal struck tonight so that the Sunday talk shows will be full of this news rather than more failures of Obamacare.
Yes, Obama is that devious.
To: MaxMax
America had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war.
90 posted on
11/23/2013 7:42:17 PM PST by
Jim Noble
(When strong, avoid them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.)
To: MaxMax
Notwatching this askwhole. Just try to deflect his Unaffordable Health Kill Act with his EPIC FAIL foreign affairs policy.
Affirmative Action A-hole thy name is Barack Obamao
95 posted on
11/23/2013 7:43:49 PM PST by
(" Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is no Vice")
To: MaxMax; a fool in paradise
North Korea will have to wait another week for their $4.2 billion!
99 posted on
11/23/2013 7:44:42 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: MaxMax
103 posted on
11/23/2013 7:45:52 PM PST by
(Patrolling the waters off Free Republic one dhow at a time.)
To: MaxMax
It’s 10:48 as I post this. As he stop saying “uhhhh... Ummmm...uhhh” yet?
112 posted on
11/23/2013 7:48:13 PM PST by
Personal Responsibility
(Government: Slimy used car salesmen writing laws forcing you to buy their cars)
To: MaxMax; a fool in paradise
My theory is that he did it now timing it to disrupt the madcap avalanche of JFK assassination theory threads on FR!
114 posted on
11/23/2013 7:49:28 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: MaxMax
Can the reporters ask:
What is a “Supreme Leader”?
What is a “fatwa”; in English?
Is “development of nuclear weapons” meant for other nations, not Iran?
I do believe that there is a basis for a resolution [because]
Irans Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against
the development of nuclear weapons,
Obama told reporters.
119 posted on
11/23/2013 7:51:39 PM PST by
Son House
(Democrats want you to use 'Great Recession' instead of 'Jobless Recovery', recession ended June 2009)
To: MaxMax
Would everyone please be quiet... I’m trying to watch OK State whip Baylor. Thank you. /s
122 posted on
11/23/2013 7:51:57 PM PST by
(Patrolling the waters off Free Republic one dhow at a time.)
To: MaxMax
I would have rather heard Obama tender his immediate resignation from office.
125 posted on
11/23/2013 7:54:38 PM PST by
( Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin and Mike Lee speak for me, most everyone else is just noise.)
To: MaxMax
To: MaxMax
“Stop talking about Obamacare...Stop talking about Obamacare...Stop talking about Obamacare...Stop talking about Obamacare...Stop talking about Obamacare....
136 posted on
11/23/2013 8:06:06 PM PST by
Personal Responsibility
(Government: Slimy used car salesmen writing laws forcing you to buy their cars)
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