Everyone thinks that Obama Care is a failure, but in reality, its working flawlessly.
1.They know that a give-away policy, once enacted, will never be repealed. So it doesn't matter if it "works" or not, the money faucet has been turned on wide-open for ever.
2. Fixing the website is an endless project with an unlimited un-appropriated budget, that people will demand be fixed no matter the cost.
3. The navigators are being set-up, providing a federal footprint in the inner cities. These agencies will expand, hire unqualified people and pay them lavishly, and engage in graft, cronyism and influence peddling.
4. Private insurance and, by extension, free enterprise have been painted as evil. This sets the stage for single payer.
5. The mechanism is in place for complete control over our lives through the cost of "risky" behaviors like eating trans fats or owning a gun. The feds will have your complete medical history on file, with instant updates.
All is working to plan as Dr. Evil says.
From the comments section on Townhall (not mine, I just thought this was good): Everyone thinks that Obama Care is a failure, but in reality, its working flawlessly.
1.They know that a give-away policy, once enacted, will never be repealed. So it doesn’t matter if it “works” or not, the money faucet has been turned on wide-open for ever.
2. Fixing the website is an endless project with an unlimited un-appropriated budget, that people will demand be fixed no matter the cost.
3. The navigators are being set-up, providing a federal footprint in the inner cities. These agencies will expand, hire unqualified people and pay them lavishly, and engage in graft, cronyism and influence peddling.
4. Private insurance and, by extension, free enterprise have been painted as evil. This sets the stage for single payer.
5. The mechanism is in place for complete control over our lives through the cost of “risky” behaviors like eating trans fats or owning a gun. The feds will have your complete medical history on file, with instant updates.
All is working to plan as Dr. Evil says.....
....except that Americans are not believing it, and, most of all, are not buying it.