Some animals are more equal than others, comrade.
However, if the powers that be weren’t doing this for political points, or some agenda, the sensible thing to do would be to take an experimental company of women who feel they can do the job and build them up to see if it would work. 180 days should’ve been given to ensure female combat arms recruits could meet the male fitness requirements, prior to actually going to the selected training. This six months would also be to gauge the determination of the individual recruit, make sure that they’re not just a bunch of Rambo’s In Name Only. That’s how I’d approach it though.
Fire departments have seen this, seek rare women at their age peak and peak of physical health and fitness, they get trainers, good diets, advice, encouragement, and then on their best day, they squeak through the physical tests.
Those women have no reserves to draw on, no excess strength and endurance, what happens after 10 years of hard living and aging, What do they have left after 6 months in a jungle living on canned peaches and cigarettes, little sleep and constant stress?