I’m sick of repubs bitching about Uptons bill - it effectively completely repeals Obamacare for 1 year (allowing everyone to buy non-Exchange plans), and is a bill that would stand a good chance of continually getting reupped as the law disintegrates. Plus, as Dems have been screaming, it will throw a wrench into the risk pool on the exchange, where all the sick would go and everyone heathy would avoid. As an added bonus it has the Dems screaming “Repubs should help us fix this” stuck trying to explain how this isn’t a fix despite many Dems, including the Pres, offering similar
The bill is freakin awesome and Repubs complaining are kind of doing exactly what Dems accuse them of - hating anything Obamacare related just because it’s Obamacare related
After one year all those plans then become illegal and all get cancelled again. Of course, getting those plans extended might not even be possible.
All it does is allow the Dems a pass for the next election
BTW Mt. Upyours
Limbaugh or anyone else does not need to check in with you to express their opinions
I can see that you've had a vast amount of experience upon which to base this opinion of yours.
Hint: Free Republic isn't a warehouse of GOPe sycophants.
What "non-exchange plans?"
Those plans are DEAD.
Do you think insurance companies (after they have to get approved again through their respective state regulator) are going to renew the plans, knowing that they will get cancelled again next fall?
and is a bill that would stand a good chance of continually getting reupped as the law disintegrates
Upton's bill is only for the individual plans.
What does his bill do for the massive Employer plans that are going to get cancelled next year?
You don’t appear to think at all noobie.
Appreciate your feistiness!
But: “it will throw a wrench into the risk pool on the exchange”- that’s the problem.
Voters will want that made whole by the taxpayers. The Dems’ ads in 2014 will be “Republicans want to cut your healthcare!”.
Every government ‘freebie’ starts off underfunded, in confidence that voters will later demand enough to pay for it.
K street lobbyist troll or Working for the Lobbyist bagman Upton ,
Why did Upton find this monster after he had the power to not fund it back in 2011 ?...