If he is gay, how did he manage to have two children by a woman? I thought gay meant “solely sexually attracted to the same sex”.
The liberal explanation would be that, because he was so oppressed by society, that he pretended to be a straight man, and married a woman. After all, to liberals, societal expectations and social norms are verboten.
I don’t want to delve into the mechanics of it all. If he was turned off by sexual contact with a female, similar to how we straight men are turned off by sexual contact with another male, it makes you wonder how it all happened. That is, if we believe the liberal line that gays are born that way and all that.
>>>If he is gay, how did he manage to have two children by a woman? I thought gay meant solely sexually attracted to the same sex.
According to the liberal world view which I was trying to parody in my post, a gay young man who is subjected to heterosexual supremacist propaganda (also known as a normal parenting), can have his mind so messed up, that it can cause him to have sex with a woman. But liberals tell us that when gay men have sex with women, they do not enjoy it.
If it feels good, do it. That’s how many live their lives, no core values.
“If he is gay, how did he manage to have two children by a woman? I thought gay meant solely sexually attracted to the same sex.
Like other mental, emotional, and spiritual disorders, same-sex attraction disorder can run a gamut of severity.
Some men who suffer from SSAD are unable to perform with women, some just have an aversion to it, and some are primarily attracted to women, suffering only periodic compulsions to engage in homosexual perversions.
The two ways women get AIDS are dirty needles and letting a man who lies with men nail them in the keister.