You’re a good husband! I think that is a very creative gift and you took the time to provide something special (applause to you!). If you haven’t guessed it, I’m a woman :-)
I’ve noticed that the past few years, my sister and BIL buy a few things for each other, then give a gift card for Macy’s, Nordstroms, Sports Authority, etc. I know from watching my parents, it gets harder to purchase for a spouse over the years. The worst mistake my stepdad ever made was going to a store (IIRC Nordy’s) described my Mom to the sales clerk and brought home a beautiful outfit - - only problem was, it was a size 14 and she wore a size 8 at the time. She was cool in the way she handled it. He vowed never to purchase clothes for her again - LOL!
Ben Cardin (D- MD) “The fundamentals are sound.”
There’s that parallel universe again.