Apparently, they polled 437 democrats, 330 republicans, and 548 independents.
Here is the breakdown as they report it, but the numbers don’t seem to add up:
Democrats - - - 437
Republicans - - 330
Independents- - 548
Uninsured- - - - 185
Total - - - - - - 1,513
“... The survey was conducted October 17-23, 2013
... random digit dial telephone sample of 1,513 adults ages 18 and older
... landline (755) and cell phone (758)
... For the landline sample, respondents were selected by asking for the youngest adult male or female
currently at home based on a random rotation
If no one of that gender was available, interviewers asked to speak with the youngest adult of the opposite gender
... For the cell phone sample, interviews were conducted with the person who answered the phone”
LOL - there’s so much bias in that poll, I’m surprised the marxist group published the findings.