I’m talking about rank and file GOP not all elected officials by any means. The problem is the further up the ladder a politician climbs the more he depends on big money donors and those guys expect rewards for their $ and they don’t see limited government as a priority. Every poll of rank and file GOP is clear that more than 70% believe the Government is too big and too intrusive. A clear majority of independents and regular citizens believe this too. Only a minority believe government isn’t big enough.
The question then becomes how to keep the GOP of the same mind set as those electing them and not beholden to the big money donors. I don’t have an answer to that. However, it appears the longer they are in office, the worse they become. I think we should be electing more first-time-in-office folks to the US House and Senate, rather than promotions after they have served in local and then State offices. They are too far gone by that point, usually.
We need to be eternally grateful for ‘before we see what’s in it’. Rats are starting to realize there may be no Christmas this year with the ACTUAL dollars about to be extorted out of THEIR pockets for a change, since the turd was passed.