I’ve not seen one McAuliffe volunteer in Central Virginia. I’ve knocked hundreds of doors in my area and Cuccinelli voters are nearly 10 to 1. There was one McAuliffe Sign and one Sarvis sign in all of my door knocking and even the people I talked to that are voting McAuliffe don’t like him where as some GOP are a little sour on the race the vast majority of GOP votes are positive votes. I just looked at the internals in this poll. Ken’s voters are much more enthusiastic with 53% strongly favoring him compared to McAuliffe with only 39% and Sarvis a weak 22%. That 14 is a 14 point enthusiasm gap between Cuccinelli and McAuliffe and if that remains till election day I think we win it but there is still work to be done. I’m going out again today and then tonight I’ve been invited to a meet and greet with Ken.